Saturday, November 24, 2012

Build a Better Blog Because It's Abundantly More Beautiful

Some folks believe that the blogging fad is over. I completely disagree, especially if you have a well-constructed niche, know what you are talking about, and are able to deliver information with a solid frequency. If you are the top 1% of your industry or field of endeavor, a blog certainly makes sense. Of course there's a right way and a wrong way to do it, and sometimes you have to be a little creative and find a third way. Since I know a thing or two about blogging, I'd like to makes recommendations to you if you have a few moments.

If you are considering building your own blog, well then there is a very good book that I'd like to recommend to you. This is a book I had bought for myself and do own. It is a how to book and a great reference book as well. The name of the book is:

"Publishing a Blog With Blogger" by Elizabeth Castro, A Visual Quick Project Book, Peach Pit Press, Berkeley, CA, 2005, 127 pages, ISBN: 0-321-32123-5.

First, I'd like to say that this paperback book is totally illustrated, simple to use, and abundantly helpful. Even if you use a blogging platform other than "Blogger" this book will give you all sorts of ideas for increasing traffic, re-posting to social networks, increasing your followers, and maximizing your efficiency. You'll be able to keep it clean and crisp, and inviting for all those who visit. You will also get more comments and contacts if you follow the information within.

In this book you will have all the information to set up your own Blogger Account and the book will give you ideas on how to market your blog, and how to start posting right away. They will also explain the important features of audio blogging, and how to use videos, and if you take all that into consideration along with all the new apps for mobile tech devices you can really build something great.

One of the most important things in blogging is making sure that your blog has the right visual look for the message you are trying to convey. Consider if you will this is a lot like marketing or branding a product, but in this case you may be branding yourself as an expert, or create a blog which serves as a reference. In the book it also discusses the best place to host your blog, and why sometimes it makes sense to do yourself so that you have full control. It also warns you about hackers and other challenges.

This is indeed one of the simplest and easiest books on the subject I've ever owned or seen. I completely recommend it to anyone. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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Your Blog Is One of Your Biggest Assets in Your Home Based Business - It's a Piece of Real Estate!

If you've ever purchased a home, dreamt about purchasing a home, walked through model homes that you would want to move in to, decorated a home, remodeled or expanded a home than you should most definitely be able to relate when I say that your blog should be looked at like a piece of real estate. Think about the first home purchase (whether you've made yours or not) and the phrase "this would be a great starter home." Point being, everyone has to start somewhere! With time, you expand, remodel, purchase a second home, customize a home from the ground up, and add a guest house, swimming pool or whatever the case may be! You start small and ultimately you finish big. All the while it has been a continuous process of growth! Let's put it into perspective.

Your Starter Home

Let's say that you are like me and you get your first Blog Home via a free site such as Blogger or WordPress - you know the track home community where everyone's home pretty much looks the same on the outside and the inside! You put a little into it, stay put for a year or two and then you quickly realize that you want more. You decide that you want hardwood floors, French doors, plush carpet and palm trees. You add a little here and a little there. Because the investment was small scale (free) you quickly begin to realize that your options are limited and with your taste and style you quickly realize that it's time to upgrade.

Your Second Home

You've now moved on. You've done some shopping around, you've looked at some other model home blogs and you've got your eye set on something new. You quickly find that there are some really nice "themes" on the market that you can purchase this time around so that you can look, be and feel different! You've got options! Hardwood floors, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, French doors, plush carpet options! You select a theme and begin to play around with the décor. You stay put here for another 6 months to a year and you again decide that you want more. You need and deserve the finer things in the Blog life! Baby let me "upgrade you" is what you say!

Your Custom Home

You are no longer a rookie. You've been there and done that and now it's time for the big leagues and so you decide to go "custom." You've learned that you get exactly what you pay for and hence when it's free or darn near free, your results are typically reflective of that and/or you quickly realize that it's not so free afterall! You begin to interview architects, planners, custom home builders and interior designers. You've decided that you are getting some much deserved return on investment (ROI) with this baby and you are in this one for the long haul. You realize the value of planning and having a "team." You begin to invest by putting in some valuable stuff (content), you begin to monetize (via advertising and affiliates), and you begin to see an income stream off of your investment this time around! Bingo - you've realized a return!

Multiple Homes

You've got a taste of the custom life and now you've got your site set on a vacation home or two. The Dominican Republic, Hawaii, South Beach... are places that you love to frequent and so why not set up shop in multiple locations (niches) and capitalize on multiple opportunities at once on auto pilot! This is the life right - and it all began with the start of a free blog - your first starter home and a dream!

Take a look back at your starter home, your second home, the investments that you made along the way, where you are now and where you see yourself going in the future! Location, location, location! It is everything when it comes to real estate and realizing a return on your investment. Timing and positioning can also be everything when it comes to real estate and realizing a return on your investment. Taking advantage of and creating opportunities for yourself via the Blogosphere is where it all begins or where it all may have begun for you! Your blog can be your biggest asset in your home based business. It simply starts with your "first time home" and it expands from there as your vision, dreams, goals and income expands.

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Advice for an Everyday Blogger

Blogging has been a popular way of conveying your opinion to a larger audience. It can even be used for marketing by businesses. If your blog is being visited by many internet users, you have a high chance of selling a product successfully mainly because of your blog. It is also a great way to spend time on the internet.

As blogging is very important, it is very important to know how to get more users on your blog. The tips on getting more users is not a mystery, it's a skill that you need to develop as a blogger. For example, Ecoki is a blog that gives its users a way to live a lifestyle which does not harm the environment. It helps people living a greener lifestyle. This blog is very user friendly and has very detectable headers which are the reasons why people like it and why the blog is successful.

One way to make a blog successful is by keeping it updated. If you keep the posts flowing, your readers will be more interested in you and will want to visit it frequently. You need to be consistent with posts or else the readers will just lose interest. Making your blog posts specific will also help. Use the correct keywords in the title so that those people who do not know about your blog and search the subject of a search engine are directed towards your blog. This is a great way of marketing a blog. You can set targets for yourself, for example one post a week, or even two. This way you will be motivated to achieve your target and satisfy your readers and fans.

Making the blog fun is also another way of getting more readers. This will even make blogging fun for you and you will enjoy it. In this area you just need to be creative. For example you can keep a 'Daily Tip' on your blog which might tell your viewers to do one crazy thing a day. You can also post daily horoscopes and make them a bit funny and interesting to read. You can think of other ideas as well.

You also need to decide whether you want to add style or content to the post while blogging. There are several opinions which say good writing can win a lot of fans no matter what the content is. It might be true to some extent, but not always. It is important to know what your readers are looking for. If you are posting something informational, you need to make sure that it is filled with a lot of relevant content to people gain something from it. Style in such article won't help much but it won't hurt either. In the content department, you can always ask your readers what they would like to read. This would be a great source of help. You can even improve your writing style by posting a crafting a catchy title. It is said that a title is the most important part of the post. You can even get your posts reviewed by friends or family to make sure it is great.

Blogging is a great tool to interact with internet users and most businesses use it too. Getting more readers is not an issue, if the blog is good, it will be visited and read by many users.

For more tips and articles visit us

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Be an Effective Blogger Following These Easy Tips

If you're running your own business or you're in charge of the web development and maintenance for your company, you might be thinking about doing a blog to increase traffic, improve search engine optimisation and provide new, dynamic and regular content updates for your website. Blogging can have an incredible impact on visitor numbers, traffic and the page ranking of your website.

New to the world of blogging and not sure where to start? Learn how to be an effective blogger by following a few of these easy tips.

Create useful, innovative content

While your primary goal might be to convert readers into website traffic and, potentially, customers, you need to actually get them to read the content first. If you write a blog for your business that is useful and informative you'll start to build an audience that recognises your content for being more than just easy advertising.

Eye-catching, descriptive titles

Abstract titles might be fun to come up with and quirky titles might give a bit of a chuckle but you're going to run into problems if people can't find what they're looking for in your nondescript post titles. Make sure every post title describes what the post is about and try to include one or two keywords if you can for better SEO.

Good content, but not too much content

You want to be informative and you want to communicate ideas, but it's best to keep post length to a minimum no matter the topic that you are covering. Most bloggers seem to agree you should aim for more than 300 words but not make a post more than 1000. Sure your committed readers might make their way through 1500 or even 2000 words, but new readers who stumble across your site are going to be immediately put off by the wall of text in front of them.

Make frequent posts on the latest subjects

Some bloggers like to spend a whole day writing ten to fifteen blog posts, setting them to update automatically throughout the week. While it's nice to have all of your content for the week done at once, you're missing out on the latest information if you don't write the update when you post it. Consider setting time aside every day to write a blog post to keep them relevant instead of doing them all at once.

Become an effective blogger by committing time, crafting relevant and useful posts and following a few of these easy tips. Read blogs similar to your own and make sure you follow news articles and the latest industry news in your relevant field. Inform readers and generate more traffic with a well-maintained blog.

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3 Reasons Why You Need To Start A Blog

The first step in converting more sales online is traffic generation. There have been several studies conducted that shows that businesses that blog tend to get more traffic than those that don't. Now if you happened to be in the minority and do not blog for some strange reason, I'd like to bring three key benefits of blogging to your attention.

Many people still get a blog and a website confused, but they're actually very different. A website is more utilitarian, it serves as tool to show the function and basic information of produces and serves, as well as process transactions. A blog is a tool that allows you to build a relationship with your prospects and customers. It's a hub where you can show your brand personality and what it's all about. A blog is a community hub.

As I stated in the last paragraph, blogging attracts more visitors to your website. The more you blog, the more fresh content you're creating and Google like fresh content. So naturally, the more content you produce the more traffic search engines will send your way. You'll also benefit from getting more pages indexed, which will increase your chances of getting organic search traffic.

Blogging also builds credibility and positions you as an expert in your industry or niche. People are usually online searching for a solution to their problem, and/or tips and tricks that will help them save time, money, or effort. By blogging, you have the ability to create insanely useful content that answers all your customers questions. This builds trust overtime and trust is the foundation of a successful business.

Your blog is your central hub online. It's the home of your brand, and the place you eventually want to drive all your traffic. While most might not see it as such, your blog acts as a very effective lead generation tool. Blogging is a great way to attract leads that can in turn convert into customers or email subscribers.

Lead generation is an absolute necessity for every business. A blog is that type of lead gen tool that's always working for you, 24/7. Once you produce the content, it gets indexed and people search and come to your blog. Once there, they consume your content and get a feel for who you are and what you're all about. If they come to like your brand they'll subscribe to your email list or other retention channel, which will allow you to communicate with them more in the future.

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Starting A Blog With A Targeted Niche

It is no secret, among the most significant variables to contemplate on when it comes to studying how to start a website that is specifically geared towards sustaining long-term success is establishing a targeted niche. This means you need to come up with a really focused website that is designed to cater a specific type of audience by showcasing a narrow, well-defined topic.

Establishing a targeted niche is highly effective in attracting readers, monetizing your weblog and also in slowly penetrating a niche and establishing your presence in blogosphere. Detailed below are some important considerations which you have to take into account on how to start a website with a targeted niche:

Select A Precise Topic You Happen to be Passionate About

To be able to establish a solid foundation on ensuring your blogging success, you need to figure out what certain subject to pursue. It is highly recommended that you decide on one that you absolutely care about and possess a considerable understanding or expertise of. This really is consistent with the effort of taking on that precise targeted technique, instead of trying to cater to everyone else. By focusing on a specific topic, you have the ability to deliver exactly what your target audience are seeking and be able to provide in-depth information and more extensive discussions.

Select A Topic That You Have Substantial Knowledge About

For individuals who are still not quite sure how to position their blog in the market or exactly what to write about, it is practical that you stick to topics that you actually have extensive knowledge on. For instance, if you have worked for years as a real estate agent, then you may want to pursue blogging about real estate, providing tips to agents, homebuyers or home sellers.

It is critical that you focus towards becoming recognized as an expert of a certain field or subject. In addition, you should also invest time in conducting strategic searches and have the ability to present details in an extremely interesting and compelling manner that people will actually enjoy reading.

Stick To a Topic and Stay Focused

Understanding ways to start a website with a targeted niche signifies staying focused. This really is very important in order to be able to market and position your blog more effectively. For instance, as an alternative of coming up with a website about vehicles, which is a far too general, think about narrowing the niche by only showcasing information about Ford Mustang classics.

Beware Of Trend Niches

If you are really keen on studying the best way to start a blog effectively, you need to think about long-term, sustainable growth and success as opposed to focusing on becoming a one hit wonder. To do this, find a particular niche that you are sure to remain well-known and in demand for years to come. For example, when you choose to revolve your subject about a widely well-known TV show, what if it becomes discontinued? Where does that exactly leave you? Study the various topic options available and decide on one particular that is most likely to stick around for years to come.

Execute Keyword Analysis

Long tail keyword SEO pertains using particular keywords which can be in the best position to drive very targeted visitors. In view in the fact that it is incredibly hard to compete with other blogs and established web sites, applying a more targeted method will help you make and attract additional audience. By way of example, instead of competing on a broad keyword for instance "parenting' you are able to narrow down your crucial phrase to a far more specific niche including 'disciplining toddlers', which happens to have a smaller sized amount of competition as well as a far more targeted traffic. When understanding how you can start off a blog successfully, you could choose to first focus on ways to proficiently conduct keyword research.

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Business Blogging

If you have not yet started a blog to augment your business website, you should give it serious consideration. You may be missing an excellent opportunity. Over the years, you have undoubtedly built up more knowledge about your field than you realize. You may not think of yourself as an expert, but in fact, you may have a lot to offer. Experience may count for as much as academic study when it comes to giving customers valuable information. Now is the time to start thinking about how a blog can help your business. This article has information to guide you.

People are very busy these days. They will only read content that contains information valuable to them. That is why you need to continue expanding your own knowledge in order to write a blog that will interest your customers. It will also help keep you up-to-date in your field. Take some time to make the writing clear and even fascinating. If writing is not your strength, get a professional to help edit your blog posts.

You want your reader to gain the impression that they are hearing reliable news written by a creditable source. The writing style should be personable but not too chatty. You want to keep a professional tone. Receiving accurate and timely information from your blog will enhance your business' standing in the eyes of customers.

Interactivity is what people are looking for these days. You can invite comments and questions from customers, but moderate them. Be sure to add their testimonials to your website. They may also make you aware of some deficiency in your site or your business that you need to know about. Your interactivity can reach beyond your customers. It can link you to other blogs in your field, and to forums and professional associations. Writing a guest blog can raise your own standing.

It takes work to keep your blog on target. You need to visit news sites to know what is happening right now and how it relates to your business. Interweave broader information with your own website's focus. Show your customers that they can rely on you to keep them current about your field of business. What is being revealed by recent research? Find this out and pass it on.

Be sure to include some images on your website and blog. These eye-catching pictures do much to engage the visitor. You can also use bar graphs to make statistical information more clear.

Respect your blog's readers. You may find that some of them have valuable, specialized information to add. Their experiences with products are something you want to know. Including their comments will increase traffic on your site and also increase your own credibility. Remember that each thread of connection strengthens your site's visibility.

Tips on getting an income through blogging

You may have heard that people can make money from blogging, but never really believed it. If you are skeptical that people can make a good income, be assured that they can. If you want to be one of those people, there are some things to know first; however, below are some tips that can help you making big income through blogging.

1. Provide excellent content. This is the very first step. Because if you don't make a good "product" in your blog, no one will take a chance on you any other way. You won't have readers to buy anything for you. You won't be able to attract anyone to you; much less what you want them to buy. Make sure you are writing engaging content that people want to read.

2. Work on getting traffic to yourself. Learn basic marketing to get new readers to your site all the time. Readers are the reason you're going to make money, so take the time to make sure you're getting them.

3. Make money from using ads. Once you have a readership, advertisers will start wanting to work with you so that their ads are seen by different people. Make up a media kit that details how many site visitors you get a day, what the demographics are like, and how your site is growing. Advertisers will love it and you will make a bit of money every month.

4. Sell something as an affiliate. If you have no products of your own but still want to make some money with your blog, you can do that by being an affiliate of someone else's product. Just make sure that they are a reputable company you can trust to pay you, and one you can trust makes good products. Try to use the product yourself before you recommend it to your own readers.

5. Check out job posting for bloggers. You can moonlight as a blogger for another person's site, and if you use the right technique you will do such a great job they will ask you to do it over and over. Make sure you get a feel for their site before you start writing the post, though.

The growth of the Internet is phenomenal. It is a kind of expanding universe. To keep a place in it, you need to expand with it. Writing a blog can help you do this, expanding both your own knowledge and your customer base.

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How to Make a Blog in 10 Days

So you want to be the next blogging superstar? I don't blame you- it's a great way to start a career, get noticed and show some passion about your industry. Maybe you've already started blogging, but you can't quite gain enough momentum to reach the escape velocity of the blogosphere black hole- a place where content is lost, not shared.

Luckily for you, there is always hope, and I'd like to share with you some tips I've picked up along the way. What I'm about to share with you, is something I would love to have known a few months ago when I started my own blogging journey. What I'm about to share with you, is how you can make a blog in 10 days, and how you can utilized the resources available to you (mostly free) to get your voice heard far and wide. Do I have your attention?

First we have to begin with the basics. Before you let your ego get in the way and start thinking you know it all, remember that adopting a new technology takes time and it's a learning process. There is a lot involved, but the process is simple when broken down into bite-sized pieces and improved upon as you go.

Accept that it will be frustrating at times and that there will be many roadblocks along the way. Trust me- it will make the journey a whole lot easier. You will make mistakes and you'll look back and feel stupid about them, but with mindfulness and effort, you will grow to become better at what you do and how you do it. Remember that even the best bloggers around still make mistakes today, and that even the best bloggers around started out with no subscribers and a Klout Score of 0.

Now before we start talking about critical issues such as which platform to use and search engine optimization (SEO), let's start with some food for thought. Answering these questions before you begin will help you to focus your efforts, and that focus will be paramount to your success.

Why do you want to be a blogger? Who will benefit from reading your blog? Are you caring and knowledgeable about the topic or industry? Can you commit to regular posts to keep people engaged?

What those questions aim to do is focus your value proposition. With over 164 million blogs on the web, you need to have a compelling message to get people's attention and to keep it. You can have a million inbound links and a promotional budget of a million dollars, but without an engaging, consistent message that connects with readers, your blog is nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Got it?

Good! Now let's get into the technical details and to help prevent some early mistakes before they happen.

Part two is coming soon, stay tuned...

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Best Blogging Practices

There are various approaches to best practices strategies with your blog. What you want to do is find as many practices as possible, and try them all out, to see which ones actually work. If you are new to blogging, then you will be at a disadvantage. You'll find the learning curve can look pretty steep, so you have to take things one step at a time.

Some of the best practices with blogging involve knowing what to blog, and how often you will blog, every week. You have to have an idea of what your blog is going to be about. There's no rule, fortunately, that dictates you should post a certain number of times per week. It is necessary to post for three straight months, five posts per week, when you are just starting out. People tend to not want to post that much, so you can do whatever you want. The guidelines that you end up sticking with can be your own, as long as you are consistent with what you are doing. You can actually upset your readers, causing them to be quite negative, when you stop or change the amount that you post every week.

It is essential that blog readers understand that you have an open door and are willing to talk with them. Although, in practice this is not an easy thing to do, and you cannot control what people do, anyway. Your audience, and your readers, should understand you are there for them.

Always make it easy for your reader to contact you. This way they really have no excuses. Whether they contact you by email, or through Facebook and Twitter, it is totally up to you. There are many social sites out there, and if your subscribers are on many of them (as shown by the demographics), this can help you with your blogging. Since most individuals are not on LinkedIn (only professionals), you will probably not find them on this site.

Almost everyone is going to run out of ideas for their blog. It is something that happens from time to time. Almost everyone has run out of things to say, specifically in regard to topics or content to discuss. You should just ask your readers, or blogging friends if you have them, for inspirational ideas. One of the best places to get this information is on Twitter - all you have to do is ask! When you have excellent relationships with your audience, especially on Twitter and Facebook, this can help you immensely. Just continued to build these resources as you never know what might occur.

After you get your first blog up and running, the rest will be easier to do. If you want to be successful with your blogging, you need to stay on top of current information at all times. As long as you love to do the blogging, you should have fun along the way.

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How To Create an Easy Menu Bar in Google Blogger

How to Create an easy Menu Bar in Blogger

I've been chatting back and forth with a blogger comrade this weekend because she had some questions about how to better organize her blog for her readers. Specifically, she wanted to be able to create a menu bar so readers could easily find posts she has written on specific topics. There are a couple ways to do this, but the easiest way is to put your Blogger Labels to work for you.

If you have been involved with website or blog creation at all, you have probably come to realize that Google is about as difficult to crack with regard to SEO tips and tricks as a Rubik's Cube (note: if you have ever cracked a Rubik's cube, just leave now. I am not smart enough to be in your vicinity. You should be worried about getting dumber by the second. So, off with you). However, by piecing bits of information gathered from various sources, I have found that the Labels in Blogger don't do a whole lot with regard to SEO. Having 25 labels per post thinking they act as keywords for Google search optimization, likely isn't going to help too much with search engine rankings. It can help with the internal organization of your blog by making it easier for users to find specific types of content, but won't make you the number one listing on Google for that term.

This was a major bummer for me, because I thought if I just typed in "Super Awesome Blog" in my Blogger Label box, anyone Googling super awesome blog would undoubtedly find me. Not so. So sad. I will never be Super Awesome (crying in my win... er, coffee). But, they are very useful in getting people to find topical content in your blog, especially when used consistently. So let's create a menu bar from your Labels to maximize their effectiveness and usefulness internally.

Step One: Create a Master Labels List

Come up with a list of 5-7 words (i.e. Master Labels) that describe your posts. For example, any post I write that is about what is on my mind, my thoughts, my personal experiences gets the label "Martini Musings". Anything that involves my family gets the label "The Monkey House". Recipes get labeled "Recipes" etc. You can add additional labels to each post as well. For instance, I will label this post "Mo' Bettah Blogging" (from my Master Label List), but I may also include "Labels, Menu Bar, How-To, and Blogger Tips" when I define my labels for this post. Not so much because I hope it will help with Google search indexing, but because it might help you as the reader find this post based on those search terms if you do an internal site search.

Step Two: Edit Each Existing Post

Once you come up with a concise list of topics that your posts can be categorized by, go through and edit your existing labels in each post to include one or two of these "Master Labels". You can create labels for each post by adding them to the "Labels" section under the Post Settings located to the right of your post editor. (Heh? I'm Lost. Help!... When you're writing a post, look to your right. See all that stuff? One is called labels... ad your master label and any other relevant search term in there).

Step Three: Add The Label Widget (if you haven't already)

Now that all your posts are categorized by the 5-7 terms or topics that comprise your "Master Label List", you want to add a Labels Widget to your layout. Go to Layout, and "Add a gadget" (it doesn't matter where, because we'll be moving it).

Choose the Labels gadget.

Step Four: Edit The Labels Gadget

You will be given a couple options to customize the gadget. Choose the radio button that says "Selected Labels" and then click "edit". All the labels you have ever used will come up in a list. Check the box next to the labels used in your Master List ONLY. You see I only have 7 out of 89 labels checked. ALSO Make sure you check the radio box for "List" Rather than "Cloud". Click "Save".

Step Five: Move The Gadget

Now you'll want to customize the location of your gadget. Since we're creating a menu bar, you'll want to bring it to the top, right under your heading.

Save your arrangement, and view your blog. You should see a menu bar right beneath your header with the "Master List" of labels you created. **The appearance (font, colors, etc.) Of your menu bar can be customized in the Template Section of Blogger. 

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How To Make Money From Blogging

Do you already have a blog? Or are thinking about starting a blog? If so, wouldn't it be nice to make money from your blog? Whether you want to make a small amount of extra cash, or would like to get to a point where you can make a decent income from home. You can make money from blogging if you are prepared to do a little work.

However, if you think that making money from a blog is easy, think again. As with any job, it takes hard work and dedication. Below are some of the many ways that you can use to make money from blogging, but please remember, what works for one blog, may not work for another, you will have to spend some time finding the method or methods that work best for you and your niche.


There are quite a few ways that you can allow individuals and businesses to advertise their services or products on your blog for a small fee. Advertisements can be banner ads or text links, and there are many different advertising options available such as pay per post and pay per click.

Affiliate Marketing.

Blog readers are also consumers, and will often make purchases of products and services related to the blog's topic or their lifestyles. Affiliate marketing is where you place an advertisement on your blog for a particular product or service, and then get paid if a customer purchases the item through your blog.

Write Reviews.

There are many websites that will connect bloggers with individuals or companies that want to educate potential customers about their products or services. You can often post reviews about the products on your blog, and receive payment in return.

Sell Merchandise.

There are quite a few websites that allow you to sell merchandise on your blog that you don't have to manufacture. This keeps overheads down as you don't have to pay for inventory, shipping, and other related costs. Instead, the websites keep a small percentage of your sales to cover their costs.

Guest Blogging.

You already know how to write blog posts; you do it for your own blog. So why not become a guest blogger and write content for other blogs in return for a small payment. Not all blogs will pay their guest bloggers, but many will, and there are quite a few people who have become well paid professional bloggers by guest blogging.

Write & Sell an Ebook.

If your blog has a loyal following, then people must enjoy reading what you write, and quite likely consider you an expert on your blog's topic. The same people may enjoy reading more of your work outside of your blog. Use that to your advantage and write an e-book, and then offer it for sale on your blog.

Final Thoughts.

As you can see, there are many different ways to make money from blogging, and the above information only lists a few, with a little time and research, you will find many more. However, remember that making money from blogging is not easy money. You can't expect to start a blog, and immediately be able to give up your regular job. However, with a little effort and time, it can be a very rewarding profession.

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How to Stand Out When Blogging in A Congested Niche

See the hurdles as rather, opportunities.

It would be a lot easier if you were writing about a niche that not so many blogger write about; but then that would be saying to work on a coffee shop when you're a doctor. If your chosen niche is jam-packed with bloggers, see the situation as an opportunity instead of an obstacle.

With a many blogger on your niche, you can attract search traffic by link building where your articles and blog posts get to be featured in other blogs that link directly to your site. You can also venture in to guest posting which is a very good way of constructing your profile and inactively marketing your blog by writing for other blog sites.

There is a good chance that traffic is increased in crowded niches.

Niches that contain so many blogs have a great potential of having an incredibly high traffic since a lot of readers are searching for contents unique to your niche. This can be an opportunity for your blog to be featured in search engines, just don't forget to use appropriate keywording techniques.

Display your originality.

While there could be so many topics written that are similar to yours, exude originality through your writing style - something that plays a very great role in attracting readers and keeping them coming at the same time. When you've establish your writing style as a blogger, and people like it, they will look for more content from you even if there are similar others because it's written by you!

Commit to posting regularly to your blogs.

This is an important rule to follow if you want to stand out in a crowded niche. Since many bloggers will be regularly updating their blogs, so should you do the same. When you leave your blog vacant for weeks and months without new fresh content, chances are people will un-bookmark your site from their desktops and forget you - what's the use of waiting for new content from you when there are others who are religiously updating theirs consistently?

Writing for blogs may be easy if you have sufficient ideas you can write about; but gaining a spot in a certain niche, far more, a crowded one is a challenging thing but never impossible. If you are serious about promoting your blog, you need to learn how to adapt to an environment such as a crowded niche; otherwise, you'll simply fade away in the background.

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3 Selfish Reasons to Blog

There are many reasons to blog and while marketing your business is a popular motive other reasons emphasize personal development! In either case blogging will do you little good unless you're able to build a solid base of return visitors to your site! Remember without people viewing what you write, you have no traffic, no feedback and therefore little reason to even develop content you can post! On the other having return visitors view your updates serves as motivation to continue your writing which can lead to the 3 following self development benefits!

Improved Writing Skills

Any blogger will tell you that to keep your blog 'alive' you must continually develop content you can post to your site! In so many words you can expect to be writing quite a bit and frankly the more you do so the better you WILL become! Writing is not as much a talent as it is an acquired skill so get busy acquiring quite possibly the most important skill you need for use both on and off the internet! An ongoing 'barometer' of how well you write will be found in the number of return visitors your platform gets!

Idea Development Increases Clarity

Our thoughts and ideas mostly occur when we're in a state creative thinking! What our creativity often yields however are loosely structured patterns of thought that we must learn to better interpret and thus understand! When you develop content from ideas you have you are forced to express yourself in a way that everybody understands, including you! Being able to bring clarity to sometimes random thoughts or emerging ideas is at the core of what it takes to develop content effectively! Here too since blogging involves mostly the development of ideas, in many cases your own, it is a great way to 'practice' how to put your thoughts into words!

Comments Expand Your Thinking

Although you may blog to earn the loyalty of return visitors, these same people can also offer feedback that can expand your thinking! Comments make not only for a greater sense of community on the site itself but also for those thought provoking instances from which the individual blogger can grow!

One of the best reasons to blog other than marketing your business is to strengthen certain skill sets you need to be successful online! Both bloggers and business entrepreneurs alike need to communicate effectively online and blogging helps to sharpen this skill! Of course when blogging the biggest indicator of how well you're communicating is the number of return visitors you receive! 3 huge self development benefits blogging can give you are the topic of our discussion today! These benefits range from making sense of the ideas you have, to being able to develop content from these ideas while improving your writing as well! As you can see, each of these skills are instrumental in becoming a better communicator, which you will need if marketing your business online is your goal!

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Blog and Business

The term blog is derived from the word weblog. It started as a personal online journal where people could write and publish their own thoughts and opinions about any subject that they wanted to talk about on the internet. These are published and viewed in chronological order making it look like an online diary. There are many authors who still describe blogs as online diary. However, these are not just used to publish the personal musings and tattling of people, because these are also used for business. With this perspective in mind, it can also be said that blogs are special type of websites.

Blogging is free that is why there are many people that made use of platform to promote their businesses. Blog posts can become popular if written with authority. Through the social media networks these can be shared and thus gain popularity. With this power ready to be harnessed, businesses are taking to blogging to capture audience and build a client base.

There are several advantages of using blogs for business promotion. These advantages are:

· You don't need technical knowledge

Writing a blog is just like writing on any document editor. After you have written your piece you will just upload it to a website like or that have simple interface. You don't need to hire a web designer to do it for you because you can it all by yourself.

· Interactive

The readers can leave comments on your blog post and these comments are often a start of a lengthy discussion thread. You can take advantage of these comments to engage your readers to the products and services you offer. It is a great way to find clients and build a network.

· Organized

The posts that you have written are automatically categorized and archived by the blog site that you posted it to. This makes it easier for visitors to look for a particular article. You don't have to worry about anything else than to write you blog.

· Search Engine friendly

Blogs are easily picked up by search engine crawlers (those bots that rank you up on search results) so there is a higher probability that your article will make it to the front page of the search result.

When you create blog posts there are also guidelines that you need to bear in mind. There first one is that you must bear in mind that when you write a blog post it should not overly and directly promote your business. People don't like ready outright promotion. Just make sure that your blogs contain a wealth of information then people will keep reading it. It would also not hurt if you promote your blogs on social networking sites.

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5 Ways To Get People Talking About Your Blog

A blog is the new way to launch yourself on the online scene. Yet, this tool is often unwittingly and awkwardly used; thus resulting in little consequences. It is an informal way to connect with those who waver on online sites to pick tidbits. There are millions of blog sites doing the rounds, and in order to make your presence felt; you have to think of options.

Look into the genres that attract people more and learn about the nuances. Think of the areas covered and what new you can instill and generate about the niche. Go through relentless articles of the niche to get a thorough grounding and then make yourself a pundit of your niche blog. Your content should appear as if someone knowledgeable is behind it, not a teenybopper. Avoid sensationalism, replacing it with value.

Here are 5 ways you can trust to make your blog fly!

1. Your blog needs to have a brand value; an identity. When visitors rummage your blogs, they come with an expectation and that needs to be fulfilled. It doesn't pay to write on a list of subjects you have nascent knowledge of. Choose your niche and be expressive about it. Use easy yet swirling content. Create a period (say 2 days, week, daily) and maintain that regularity.

2. Contributing on other blogs is also a good way to show your writing skills and avid interest. Remember to write articles that will have relevance in a long time. Mapping a tournament or an episode will surely lose its charm when the event gets over. Try to be instructive and probing in your blogs. Accept the feedbacks and use pivotal keywords to keep search engines rooted.

3. Customized designing of your blog site is a necessity. Besides being an easily navigable site, your blog ought to carry soothing colors and such coding that articles open up fast. You have to do trial and error with layouts till you find your working design. You may source other writers and keep a section extra for an expert's column, say, every fortnight. You may also ask readers on the topics they will like covered in your niche.

4. Nowadays, social media has hurdled the hump and crossed all levels of popularity. It will be grossly unwise not to use Facebook and Twitter to post your blogs or at least update the latest arrivals. You should also use RSS tool to let interested people get the alert. You will find that many people will leave feedbacks on these sites rather than on your blog.

5. Creation is the key, and without it, everything looks mundane. Using typical and stereotypical formulae can only get you till a certain point. Use sparkling images that are different and intuitive. Your content has to be qualitative and of unique element. Be prepared to go through the satchel many times before passing your blog articles. Think of ways to involve your readers.

With these ideas, you will eventually reach a level of visibility that etches your identity on a perennial scale.

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